Heh heh... Time to game.
I finally have a free day where I can sit down, and play an uber amount of video games. It's not too nice out, so I also don't feel guilty about not going outside to ride. I just feel like sitting down and playing a LOT. I currently have a number of video games in progress, and I want to work through them all. I really like finishing games, if they're not insanely difficult to finish, like Gran Turismo 4 is. To finish that, I'd probably have to live twice. And a half. Here's to cloning!
I plan to finish these games... in kind of this order:
- God of War - PS2
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - N64
- Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter - N64
- Super Mario 64 DS - DS
- Elite Beat Agents - DS
- Mech Assault: Phantom War - DS
- Colin McRae Rally 3 - PS2
- I-Ninja - PS2
- Burnout Revenge - PS2
- Need For Speed Carbon - PS2
Went to see The Invisible with Brian. Good movie. I thought it had a great moral and story to it. Still not as good as Hot Fuzz, though.