Thursday, May 03, 2007

Detox: Day 1

The Beginning.

So I'm pretty much through my first day of the suck. I've discovered it was the suck about 3 o'clock. For Breakfast, I ate an apple. And some cashews. I drank some lemon water... no sugar ...and flax seeds. For dinner I indulged in rice with chickpeas and carrots. For a first experimental dinner, I think it went pretty well. It was extremely dry, as it is advised to not drink during meal times, so tomorrow I think I'm going to have soup. I really want to see if I can have sushi, because that would make my 2 week hell all the more bearable. Although I wouldn't be able to have soy sauce. This is really going to help me appreciate what I have and the food I get to eat everyday, which is really why I want to go through with this. I weighed myself this morning, and I was 164lbs. We'll see how that looks at the end of the 2 weeks.