Monday, August 21, 2006

All's good that ends good

Well all that was stupid...

My friend and I are better than ever. It turns out we meant all the things we said, we just blew them out of proportion because of IM... :P we promised never to fight over IM again. Good idea, in my mind. IM always has its way of becoming deeper than it is. You don't have the inflection in the voice to work with, so sometimes assumptions are made and people guess and create their own version of what is said. It's not through anyone's fault, that's just the way it is. It might have something to do with what you hear is 20% of what matters, and 80% is HOW you say it, with inflection, tone, gestures, whatnot. However, everything ended up perfect, and i'm extremely glad that i didn't lose a great friendship that night... because good ones are truly something to hold on to. Truly.

I am seriously glad that This girl has come along. She has made me forget about all the past, the last heartache, the tears and the pain... Shes made me forget everything. She lights me up, makes me smile, and Makes me feel warm inside.... It is at that point right now, where I can't wait to see her again, and I wait by the phone for her to call, I check my email fanatically, and count the days till i see her again. I love this. However, uncertainty is defenitely a love-hate thing... I cannot help but have my doubts about her feelings. Sometimes there are no doubts that she feels the same way about me, like when we're together... however sometimes I question that maybe we are just friends in her mind... I really do not know... I hope I am the one who can make her happy, I'm not giving up hope... Her hugs are defenitely an indication for the better, but hugs can also be shared between friends... Whatever makes her happy will have to be the deciding factor. If it is not me, then it is not me... Until I figure this out, I will live in happy ambiguity...

I love it.