Tuesday, June 09, 2009


So, I'm in Nildottie. It's a small town about 100 kms north of Adelaide. It's got a shop, a post office, and a liquor store... all in one shop. The same lady works at the shop almost every day, and there's one mechanic. If you go about 20 kms south, you get to the bar. Getting here was an experience. About a week ago, Jarrod and I set out from Adelaide with what we thought was a bent axle. So I decided that, since the shaking wasn't too bad under 70km/h, i would just take it slow. We needed to get to work at 8am the next day, so we had to make it either way. 30kms out, we get a flat tire. THANK GOD. I was so happy that the bang i heard on the side of the road wasn't a bent axle. So we had quite an adventure at that time of night in that part of the neighborhood. Quite a ride.
Honorable mention: our tow truck driver, Bill
Po Polsku:

Jestem w miescie nazwano Nildottie. Male mjasto, ma jeden sklep. W tym sklepie sa warzywa, listy, i piwo. Pub jest 30 kilometrow na polnoc. Jest fajne miasto, i mierzkam z 3ma kolegami w tym czasie jak pracujemy na chodowni ziemniakow. Mielismy strach jak jechalismy tutaj: Opona plaska! Ale to jest okay, bo myslawem ze bylo to os przekrecona. To jest naprawde frajda!